One Thing – 491


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There’s a 13th century proverb most everyone has heard. Benjamin Franklin wrote it this way,
“For the want of a nail the shoe (horseshoe) was lost,
For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.”

One seemingly minor thing, can make all the difference in life!

This point was brought home to me recently as I was watching a tennis match on TV. The set score was 4 games to 3, and in the game being played the fellow with the 4 served to his opponent who could not return it. That would have won the game and made the set score 5 to 3. However, a spectator had cried “OUT” at the moment of the serve. The point had to be replayed. The opponent fellow won the point and then the game, making the set score 4 up. Had it been 5 games to 3, the next game would have won the match for the fellow who had been leading, but the match eventually went to a tie-break and the fellow with the 3 games originally won. One spectator, shouting out a one word, cost one point in one game of one set and it changed the outcome of the match.

What will be the outcome of our match? Our life here on earth? Will it be heaven or hell? Since the days of Adam we’ve been sinful wretches, bound up in sin, creatures of wrath. Unable to free ourselves, make ourselves right with God and earn our place in heaven. By grace, God predetermined that He would accomplish salvation for us. He would pay the price to eradicate our sins. He would do all that was necessary to make us His own sons and daughters. He would even go so far as to place us IN HIM!

So how do we avail ourselves of this wonderful salvation? What is that ‘one thing’?

Paul in Acts 16 told the Philippian jailer. “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household”
In Romans 10 he stated everyone who believes in Him, Jesus Christ, shall never be put to shame.
Jesus Himself told the disciples in Mark 11 to have faith in God. He challenged them about their faith in Him after rescuing them from the violent storm on the sea of Galilee in Mark 4.
The writer of Hebrews spends all of chapter 11 focused on those who found favor with God because of their faith in God.

That one word, JESUS, spoken in faith – as Savior, as Lord. If you haven’t already, do so now.



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