Kingdom Within – 444

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Jesus last words on the Cross: “It is finished.” John 19:30. The CROSS was the culmination of Jesus’ ministry on earth. Up to that time the Gospel accounts record a time when the OLD COVENANT was still in effect. Under the OLD there were a great many rules and regulations to observe before one could be ‘right with God.’

Because everyone was under this Old Covenant, one could reasonably expect Jesus would only heal, deliver, help, those who were right with God. Right? Those “A” students of the Law. Like scribes and Pharisees.

But wait! The Gospels show the weak, the failures, the “F” students receiving from Jesus. You and me, my friend. Jesus, was by His sacrifice at Calvary, would bring in the NEW COVENANT, a covenant full of God’s saving grace. A covenant where we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus, not by being an “A” student of the Law. Ephesians 2:8-9.

Wherever Jesus went He offered the blessings, the grace, the benefits of the NEW COVENANT to anyone who would believe in Him. What a mixed up time! The Law in effect, holding everyone in bondage — except when the one greater than the Law was present.

For example, the woman with the issue of blood, therefore unclean, found in Matthew 9, Mark 5 and Luke 8, broke the Law to press through the crowd and touch Jesus. She was instantly healed. Her faith in Jesus superseded her breaking the Law.

And the lame man at the pool of Bethesda, John 5, believed Jesus and rose up healed. He must have been a sinner for Jesus told him to go and ‘sin no more.’ What happened to him was impossible under the Old Covenant.

Jesus was the embodiment of the Kingdom of God. In Luke 17:21 Jesus said the Kingdom of God was in their midst. The Kingdom of God was among them because the King was among them. The kingdom can be described as God’s reign and His rule over all things. Certainly demonstrated in the Gospels where time and again the ‘old’ was superseded by the ‘new.’ Why? Because of the presence of the King.

Point for today: where is the King? Many scriptures indicate He now dwells within believers, Col 1:27 for example. Where we go the Kingdom of God goes, just as it did with Jesus. The kingdom’s righteousness, peace, and joy, favor, blessings, grace, mercies go with us, and flow through us – to touch this suffering generation. BELIEVE IT – RECEIVE IT!

Then turn darkness into light, condemnation into liberty. Let the world know Jesus is alive, that God loves them and wants to help. If they will believe, they will be able to receive. Walk with great confidence for your King and His Kingdom indwells you. It’s time to help others – COME ALIVE!


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