He Is Defeated – 440



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Episode 433 of Hank’s Place was entitled, “Resist the Devil.” The devil comes, either in person or via his underling demons, to everyone. To lead us astray, be consumed by various lusts and every evil thing. Blind us from the truth. However, believers are empowered – by God – with the ability to resist him. To reject those evil thoughts. To reject those desires. 1 Peter says if we will resist, the devil WILL flee from us!

And I pointed to the Great Commission, spoken by Jesus to ALL of His followers, including you and me, beginning in Mark 16:15, to GO and share with all creation the Good News. And get this; verse 17 undeniably states God’s AUTHORITY and POWER will accompany OUR proclaiming – assuming we actually believe it; for it says, “These signs WILL accompany those who have believed. And the first one given is: “IN MY NAME they will cast out demons….”

Demons to not have authority over or in the lives of believers. Believers have authority over demons to cast them out. Command them to GO as Jesus did and they must go! In fact, they WILL flee in terror from believers, even demons of fear!

But you must believe you have been redeemed from your past life of sin, believe Jesus’ blood has cleansed you, believe you have been given authority to preach Good News – just as the Bible declares! Start believing today if you haven’t already. Receive grace from heaven. Share the Gospel concerning Jesus Christ. Set the captive free, even those demonized to the point of possession. Demon possession, demons controlling people, occurs when a person has yielded their free will to the desires of demons for so long that they no longer have the strength to resist the devil.

I know this may be new ground to you, dear friend, so I urge you to read those gospel accounts of Jesus’ ministry, the accounts of people set free in the book of Acts. See yourself, Christian, little anointed one, ministering in like fashion. It is our inheritance, this godly authority. It’s by God’s grace that we can demonstrate the devil’s defeat, something Jesus did at Calvary, and something the devil tries very hard to conceal from the world. Some very common areas of demonic activity these days are fears, infirmities, sicknesses, and sexual sins.

Honor Jesus Christ. Keep seeking to know Him more, be like Him in your walking and talking. Summon the courage to ask Him to use you in demonstrating satan’s defeat. He will!

People will be set free – they will COME ALIVE!


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