Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled #85


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In Jn 14:1 Jesus is giving a final address to His disciples before He is arrested. He says, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” The world of the disciples is about to be turned upside down. Jesus gives them a good word; an amazing word to prepare them.

He does the SAME for you and me today, my friend. Notice it speaks of a choice: when troubles surround you, you can LET THEM engulf you or you can choose to NOT LET THEM. But how?

The verse continues: “Believe in God.” That’s the God who spared not His own son but delivered Him up for us ALL. That’s you. And “Believe in Me,” Jesus said. Who willingly went to Cross bearing our sins and their punishment – because of LOVE. God WILL help. He WILL get us through.

So what is it today friend? Trouble? Anxiety? What is disturbing your mental calm and contentment? What’s the worry, distress, agitation? Affliction? Dilemma? Impossible situation? What’s the heartache? The heartbreak? You don’t have to LET them overwhelm you. Do that by believing in God and His Son Jesus.

In Phil 4:6-7 Paul says similar words: “Be anxious – for nothing.” How, Paul? How? He tells us, “but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” So, in our believing we talk to Jesus, we talk to our heavenly Father about every burden, every trouble, my dear friend.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.”

We live in an anxious and troubled society today, folks. Instead of hugs from loving people, instead of acceptance and forgiveness, people get isolated on the internet and their mobile devices. They get insulted, mocked, ridiculed, blamed and bullied. They may need our help. To believe. To pray.

Help them, to believe in God, with whom all things are possible. Help them, to believe in Jesus, full of mercy and grace, already demonstrated at Calvary. Help them to pray, humbly making requests to God in an attitude of appreciation. His peace will become the guardian of their hearts and their minds. And ours.

We won’t all go crazy friend, no matter the circumstances; we’ll COME ALIVE!


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