Gospel part f #75


Welcome to Hank’s Place

I’ve been sharing about the Gospel, the True Gospel, you know, the one with great joy just like the angel said. The one with a Great Salvation because a Great Savior, God Himself, Jesus Christ, who is at the center of things. Everything!

The True Gospel is the one that leads us to the all sufficiency of Christ Jesus. It is the one that reveals the beauty of Jesus and our dependency upon Him. Is that the gospel you have learned my friend? Or does yours leave you to your own willpower and resources to measure up to God’s requirements? Well, that’s Old Covenant friend – it’s time to move on!

Remember: the True Gospel is all about Jesus and what He has done – for us. Other messages that spin the focus on you and YOUR performance are not genuine. Grace, and Gospel is the Good News of God’s grace toward us, will point us to the CROSS where our sins were dealt with – once and for all. We are no longer sinners held captive to sin. We are new creations, free in Christ, and learning to walk.

Again, the True Gospel will point us to Jesus and the Cross. We do not work for forgiveness. It was paid for and freely offered at Calvary. Are you a believer in Jesus and what He did there? Then you already have forgiveness – remember, Jesus paid for EVERY sin at Calvary. Not most, but ALL. You ARE forgiven. There is no longer any memory of sin. Heb 8:12

Ro 5:17 says we have been given the GIFT of His righteousness – we have been placed in full right standing before God. Forever. How good is that righteousness? 2 Cor 5:21 says it is “the righteousness of GOD in Him” that we’ve been given. That’s total and forever approval, my friend!

Think about that – you will soon be jumping in joy and hugging your heavenly Father without fear as the revelation sinks in. So, stop trying to pay for what God has freely given. Open up your Bible – read about the true Gospel – and COME ALIVE!


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