Better: Time to BELIEVE the Promises #3

God made promises to Abraham – read it in Genesis chapters 12-22. Abraham BELIEVED that God would keep His word, fulfill those promises, and Abraham was counted as righteous, approved, in God’s eyes. He, and those who follow Abraham in like faith INHERIT the promises, just as Abraham did.

INHERITANCE has nothing to do with performance. You could be serving time in prison and still inherit a fortune from your distant cousin twice removed! INHERITANCE has nothing to do with you, but EVERYTHING to do with who wrote the will and testament and what they have ordered to be done.

This New Covenant is so much better than the Old. The Old stated, “if you do this you will be blessed; if you fail or do that other thing you will be cursed.” It was up to you, friend, to GET IT RIGHT!

The New, as stated in 2 Peter 1:4, says “…He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them we may become partakers of the divine nature….”

Dear dear Christian, thanks to Jesus and Calvary, we have precious promises offered us by God, who cannot lie. To receive them, BELIEVE them, that they are true, and that the one who gave them is TRUE. Because it IS True!

Let go of your performance thinking – it’s not easy – it has pervaded the church – let it go. Then, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE, as a child of God, an heir according to the promises!

Do that, friend and you will find you have Come Alive!


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