Trapped in a Witness Protection Program?


In Acts 1:8 Jesus tells His followers that we “shall BE His witnesses.”

A witness is something you ARE. So forget the odd notion that it is something you DO. It’s not.

Speaking of who you ARE, I came across this awesome pair of questions the other day:
1 – If you don’t know who Christ is in you, then what is it you are offering somebody else?
2 – If you don’t know who YOU are in Christ, then how can you help others get to that point?

Is your witness along the lines of, “Uh, come over to my church, it’s great!”

If someone is hurting there in front of you, is your response, “Uh, I gotta go,” or “Come over to my church, it’s great?”

Sounds to me that you may have self-enrolled in the Jesus Witness Protection Program!

If so, NO WORRIES! You have so much more to offer and you just don’t know it yet.

And that’s where Come Alive can help—
– Our vision is to help people fulfill their calling in God
– Our purpose is to help people come alive to the truth of who they are.

If you are in the greater Austin area, why not drop in to the Cedar Park Public Library some Tuesday evening beginning May 16th 7PM? We’ll be there in the conference room for Bible Storying, which may not sound related, but believe me, it truly is.


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