White Stones – 179


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Today we are finishing up the letter to Pergamum, found in Rev 2:12-17.

We have a picture of Jesus with the sword of the Word of God coming from His mouth – the sword – a symbol of absolute power these Pergamumians would have understood!

The church was under deceptive attack by the Nicolatians. They would tell Christians that God’s wonderful grace is truly a license to sin. Usually in the form of sexual immorality. Jesus had a word for the Nicolatians and those being mislead: repent! If they did not repent, Jesus said I’m coming to you – the church, to make war against them – the Nicolatians. What Good News for believers! Not judgment upon the church, but against those who are deceiving His people.

The Nicolatians could repent or they could leave, but things had to change, for Jesus had spoken. Will Jesus kill them? The sword is the Word of God – which speaks of truth demolishing lying strongholds.

What is the hidden hidden manna? In the wilderness of Moses’ day, it was called the bread of heaven – which pointed to Jesus. I believe it is the same here. And the white stone? Many possibilities, but likely in line with the ancient Roman custom of awarding white stones to the victors of athletic games, engraved with their names – that granted them admission to the celebrations to follow. 

Our new name? Our new identity in Christ. In the new covenant all things become new. The moment we were put in Christ, His life and His name became ours. The name which no one knows but he who receives it speaks of intimacy rather than secrecy. The adventure of our lives is figuring out all we are in Christ – of discovering the person God has made us to be! 

These blessings come to every believer through grace alone. Not only to overcomers – because all who believe in Jesus have been made overcomers.

Sometime we have to make difficult choices. Do we become all things to all men or do we take a stand? When sin is involved and people are getting hurt and lives destroyed, I think you know the answer. Shine my friend, and have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness. Shine – and COME ALIVE! 


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