NEW becomes YOU #132

Welcome to Hank’s Place Wed 11/7

The Old Covenant had at its center God. A Holy God and you are not! Keep away! Stand at a distance. If even a beast came near Mt Sinai they were to be stoned. Exodus 19:12-13.

But the New Covenant says: “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb 4:16. And Heb 10:22 adds, “let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean….” Who did the sprinkling? Jesus, my friend. Jesus!

Heb 8:7-10 states God was NOT pleased with the OC. Why? It depended upon man to fulfill things, the Commandments for instance. And man was weak. So He created a New Covenant. It is full of “I wills” and ends, “they shall be my people.” It is inevitable, unbreakable, and does not rely upon us. It speaks of unbroken relationship and total security. NOTHING can interrupt this blood bought tie. HE WILL—and because HE WILL—we SHALL be His people. We are His: FOREVER! 

Lev 26 gives many promises that are found under the Old Covenant. Things like peace, victory over enemies, safety, abundance, fruitfulness. But all conditioned on OUR obedience, for as vs 3 says, “IF you walk in My statues and KEEP my Commandments and DO THEM.” Walk in. Keep. Do. Our performance meant life or death.

In contrast, in the New Covenant God GIVES US a new heart and a new life. The New Covenant is not like the Old Covenant; for the “WE WILLS’ have been replaced by God’s “I WILL.” Again and again. Everywhere. In everything. 

The Old Covenant was a covenant of WORKS—our works. Conditional upon our obedience to perform them. BUT– the New Covenant  is a covenant of PROMISES TO BE BELIEVED. All the works required in it have been fulfilled through the COMPLETED WORK of Jesus Christ at Calvary. It’s time to believe it! 

Stop your fretting, rejoice in Jesus the GOD Who IS your salvation. Get on board with the GOOD NEWS—and COME ALIVE!


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