New & Living Way part b #103

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Last time at Hank’s Place we asked, “How do we get close to God?” We found out there are no do’s and don’ts, for God has made a New and Living Way through the BLOOD of JESUS. Heb 10:20.

Through the blood of Jesus we have been perfected, made complete, and can enter God’s most holy presence without being burdened about “getting it right!”

Human nature enjoys the outward trappings of religion. Consider Israel who did not submit themselves to the Righteousness of God.  Ro 10:3. They clung to the Law but Christ is the END of the LAW for righteousness to everyone who believes. Like you!

The presence of the Lord was in the Ark. Under the Law. After Joshua conquered Canaan, the Ark came to rest at Shiloh. Joshua 18:1. It remained there through the times of the Judges and days of Samuel the priest; then was captured by the Philistines; and returned 7 months later, passing through Beth-Shemesh to Kiriath-Jearim, where it stayed for 20 years. Interesting, the Elvis American Diner, with a 16 foot tall statue of Elvis outside, called ‘the king,’ now resides there. Does God have a sense of humor or what?!!

1 Sam 7:2 says the people lamented after God those 20 years. But not King Saul. You didn’t find him at worship in Kiriath-Jearim. He was happy with OUTWARD RELIGION, with appearance, empty ritual — not the real deal, the actual presence of God. He never went and got the ark. But it was David – a man after God’s own heart, who got the Ark shortly after becoming king.

David brought it to Jerusalem. He placed it under a tent, 2 Chron 1:4. Then Solomon placed it in his temple. The Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem in 587 BC and the ARK has been missing ever since.

But that didn’t stop Herod from building a huge temple in Jerusalem. No ARK? No problem! We got religion where just doing the ‘best we can’ in worship and serving God should be enough, right? NO! Not for us, dear friend!

See the precious blood of Jesus making the New and Living Way directly into God’s presence! Then enter His presence — worship like you were made to —and COME ALIVE!


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