EVERY Blessing…is Yours #19


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Previously, I was sharing with you the nearly unimaginable truth of the Gospel, the mystery hidden for long ages, but now revealed: Christ IN you. The Anointed One living in anyone who believes in Him – outsider, insider, with or without pedigree, Jew, Gentile – whatever, for God loved us and gave up His life for all of us while we were yet sinners.

The great I AM is within us. We were never meant to go through life doing the best we can and hoping for mercy on Judgement Day. No way! Life’s journey is taken with Jesus IN us. The Emmanuel (God with us) of Old Testament prophecy has become God IN us — that’s far better! We have been given a new life and this new life is in Him and Him in us. This new life is NOT obtained thru hard work and disciple. This new life is RECEIVED by trusting in a good Father who delights to share His life with His children. That’s the Gospel truth!

Consider: Eph 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.”

This is amazing; Paul reveals the Father HAS blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in Christ. He mentions the heavenly places because God’s will is always done there – here on earth there are doubters and devils, and both interfere with His will being done — but that discussion is for another day. Friend, God is on your side; He is not holding back on you. Not sure?

Jn 14:14 ‘“If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.”
Jn 16:23 “If you ask the Father for anything in my name, He will give it to you.”
Ro 8:32 “He who did not spare His own Son but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us ALL things!”
So much for prayers ending in “…if it be thy will” and the demonically inspired twist on Phil 4:19, “He’s only promised to meet our needs and not our wants.” Follow these lines of thinking and you’ll be sinking into double-mindedness: don’t go there!

When it comes to you, dear friend, God desires intimacy. He yearns to share LIFE together with you, in loving intimacy, sharing your thoughts and emotions, the things that are on your heart.

God has already blessed you by sending His son to live in you and because of that, all spiritual blessings are yours. You are NOT a creature of LACK! It is time to move out of the doubting shadowlands, friend. Get to know Him intimately, and you’ll Come Alive!


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