Christ IN me? Wassatmean? #18

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Most Christians have zero understanding of “Christ in me.” Let me help you a wee bit with that today, all right?!

When an outsider looks at the Cross, he may be puzzled—what sort of God are they telling me about? One who demands blood sacrifices? Yuucch! One who even demanded the death of His Son? Count me out! What they fail to see, but you can help them to see: is that the Cross is the focal point, the ground zero, of the greatest rescue mission in all time. By the greatest super-heros ever: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Don’t sell the Cross short, friend, and what was accomplished there!

Col 1:13 says the Father rescued us from the the domain of darkness and transferred us, in an instant, into the kingdom of His beloved Son. And the previous verse says the Father has qualified us – I’ll say it again, the Father has qualified us, to share in His inheritance. In Col 1:20 Paul states that Jesus has reconciled us through the blood of the Cross. Jesus also QUALIFIED us to receive God’s infinite inheritance by making us holy, blameless, and beyond reproach. At the Cross! What a team of super-heros!

Then Paul speaks of the mystery of God, also called the mystery of the Gospel, which is Christ Himself. Col 1:26-27 tell us it has been hidden for long ages, but is now revealed. Christ has at long last been revealed — the very riches of God’s glory shining. And shining where? IN the Gentiles who believed! The Gentiles, without any genuine religious history, traditions, practices, no priesthood, no commandments. Those ignorant gentiles! Christ was shining in THEM!! Christ IN you, my friend. Christ in me! IN! Not over there, over here, not in Jerusalem, but IN EVERYONE who believes, period.

When you believe on the Lord Jesus — He comes to live IN you. All the riches of glory, in the form of none other than Jesus Himself, has come to live IN you.

When Moses asked who was speaking to him through the burning bush of Exodus, the reply was, “I am.” This same “I AM” is IN us today, dear Christian.

Are you sick? Listen to Jesus in you say, “I AM your healer.” Oppressed? Hear Jesus in you saying, “I AM your deliverer!” Depressed? Jesus is saying “I AM your joy.” Agitated? “I AM your peace.” I AM your provider. I AM your salvation. I AM your blesser. IAM your future. I AM the answer to your every need, and I live IN you.

Get ahold of this today my friend, and Come Alive!


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