Better Off Righteous #93

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We have been discovering treasure in Ro 5:17. For if by the transgression of Adam, death reigned through him, MUCH MORE those who receive the ABUNDANCE of GRACE and of the GIFT of RIGHTEOUSNESS will reign in life through – Jesus Christ! ABUNDANCE of GRACE – the GIFT of RIGHTEOUSNESS – to REIGN. Who? Anyone. Everyone—who believes in Jesus.

Ro 9:30-33 gives us more insight. Gentiles, that’s us, did not pursue the righteousness of the Law – that’s where if you wanted to be ‘right’ with God you had to become a Jewish proselyte, begin keeping all the DO’s – and not doing all the DON’TS found in the Laws of Moses, plus those added by the Pharisees. Well, those Gentiles attained to righteousness anyhow. It was the righteousness that comes from Faith. They believed on Jesus and were GIVEN the GIFT – of RIGHTEOUSNESS. 

They ignored or were ignorant of the 600 something commands and 10 big ones! They did ONE THING: believed on Jesus: God’s Son, God’s Savior, Who took ours sins and gave us everlasting life. WHOA!

Israel kept trying to keep the Law – they couldn’t see that rule-keeping, or trying to,  only gives power to sin and the result is DEATH. No one ever ‘arrives’ by keeping the rules. But if you pursue righteousness by faith, like these Gentiles, you would be given it. But there would be nothing to boast in. Precisely! And that can be a stumbling block to our pride. Righteousness is about Jesus, to the glory of God’s grace.

While there is no place for pride, there is also no place for condemnation, either!  Ro 8:1. And the next verse says “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death” – Jesus gave the perfect performance: it’s not yours, it’s HIS – and your gift is still a gift and it remains with you regardless of YOUR performance. 

There are no more low-lying black clouds over you my friend. The Spirit of LIFE in CHRIST has cleared the air. All blue skies! Because of Jesus, you are righteous. You have COMEALIVE!


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