Gospel part g #76


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I’ve been sharing about the Gospel. You know, it’s THE GOOD NEWS! Just how good? How about this. Suppose you have a huge mortgage and are not making the payments. And you have 2 car loans and you are behind in both. Plus medical bills, college loans, and your credit cards are max’d out. And you have been laid off work. You are in bad shape!

So you go to the bank in hopes of gaining a little time on your payments. The bank manager sits you down – this doesn’t look good. But he says, “The most amazing thing happened. Earlier today a stranger came into the bank, and he paid your mortgage in full, plus the penalties. And paid off your car loans. And your college loans. And your credit cards.” Glad you were sitting down because you would have fallen over!

“And that’s not all,” the bank manager says. “That same fellow put 100 million dollars into your bank account and said he’d be back from time to time so you would never run low.” Run low on 100 million dollars? Friend, that’s a Great Salvation in the financial realm!

In the spiritual realm our situation was much much worse; we each had a debt would could not begin to pay! A sin debt, and it was killing us. But Jesus came and paid it all in full! Now get this, Ro 8:32 says “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

What could be better than 100 million spiritual dollars? How about God’s promise to give us all things—starting with Himself. Yes, that’s right! You heard me. First He had to change us into new creations where the old has passed away—old, like sin and failure and defeat. And made us into new creations that could relate to Him.

Then, as Col 1:27 says, Jesus Christ came to live IN us, each of us, to walk through life, to enjoy life with us – eternally! That’s a Great Salvation! And it’s ours!
Dear friend – this – is the true Gospel – believe it – receive it – and COME ALIVE!


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